Export Promotion Council for Handicrafts (EPCH) was established under Companies Act in the year 1986-87 and is a non-profit organisation, with an object to promote, support, protect, maintain and increase the export of handicrafts. It is an apex body of handicrafts exporters for promotion of exports of Handicrafts from country and projected India’s image abroad as a reliable supplier of high quality of handicrafts goods & services and ensured various meausres keeping in view of of observance of international standards and specification. The Council has created necessary infrastructure as well as marketing and information facilities, which are availed both by the members exporters and importers. The Council is engaged in promotion of handicrafts from India and project India’s image abroad as a reliable supplier of high quality handicrafts.
The Council is run and managed by team of professionals headed by Executive Director. The Committee of Administration consists of eminent exporters, professionals. The Export Promotion Council for Handicrafts has a rarest distinction of being considered as MODEL COUNCIL that is self-sustaining and where all the promotional activities are self-financed.
Council’s continued pursuit of excellence and the objective of achieving the hallmark of quality assurance by extending excellent services to all the members and stake holders has led the Council to become an ISO 9001 : 2000 certified organization.
Highlights of the council
Export of handicrafts the exports of Handicrafts have shown an increase of 1321.87 crores, from
13460.23 to
14782.10 crores, an increase of 9.82% in rupees term. In dollar terms, the exports have shown the increase of US $ 66.92 million i.e. the exports increased by 3.02% over the similar period in 2014- 2015.
During the period, the exports of Art Metalware, Wood wares, Hand printed Textiles & Scarves, Embroidered & Crochetted goods, Shawls as artwares, Zari & Zari Goods, Immitation Jewellery and Misc. Handicrafts showed an increasing trend of 5.88%, 9.91%, 18.30%, 7.67%, 31.17%, 66.67%, 13.93% and 11.86% in rupees terms respectively and in USD terms Woodwares, Hand printed Textiles & Scarves, Embroidered & Crochetted goods, Shawls as artwares, Zari & Zari Goods, Immitation Jewellery and Misc. Handicrafts have shown an increasing trend of 3.11%, 10.97%, 1.01%, 23.05%, 66.67%, 6.87 and 4.93% respectively while Art Metalware, showed a negative growth of 0.67%. Overall an increase in the rupee term was 9.82% and in the US $ term was 3.02%.
Membership of Council Membership of the Council rose from 35 in year 1985-86 to 8012 in 2014-15.
Indian handicraftsand gifts fair One of the few fairs in world where entry is only open for the overseas buyers.
The India Expo Centre – one of the finest exposition and business centers set up in 2006 and inaugurated by Hon’ble Prime Minister of India and has taken shape in India for international marketing of the products of cottage sector. Everything in this state-of-art complex has been created with a single purpose to be the preferred destination for international business, exhibitions, trade fairs and business meets in India.
India Expo Centre has been constructed to international standards by a team of world -class professionals. India Expo Centre is unique project in Asia and Located at Greater Noida connected with New Delhi through a series of flyovers and express ways, India Expo Centre features an expansive exhibition and mart complex built to the highest international standards.
With a total covered area close to 2,35,000 sq. mtrs. India Expo Centre represents a rare combination of grandeur and state-of-the-art facilities for conducting business on a global scale. The India Exposition Mart have large exposition area consisting 8 exhibition halls and 1800 permanent showrooms with state of art facility at the first phase. This world class facility will act as a centralized contact point for buyers and sellers from all over the world to converge and conduct business in India. The Indian Handicrafts & Gifts Fairs held biannually in the Mart besides product specific shows.
AGGRESSIVE INTERNATIONAL MARKETING PROJECT FOR THE DEVELOPMENT AND PROMOTION OF NORTH EASTERN CRAFTS:- To provide a push in the export earnings from North Eastern Region, the Council had executed an ambitious International Marketing Project for entire North Eastern Region. The project entailed integrated approach i.e. development of marketable product with the help of National & International design, marketing support with help of marketer / merchandiser by exhibiting in theme galleries/exhibitions, procuring export order and follow up for execution and realization. As a result of which the exports of handicrafts products from North East Region have generated.
NATIONAL CENTRE FOR PHOTO & PICTURE FRAMING TECHNOLOGY AT SAHARANPUR AND JODHPUR:-To provide infrastructural support for upgrading technological input for handicrafts sector especially Photo framing technology which has huge potential in the international market, Common Facility Centre (CFC) at Saharanpur & Jodhpur has been setup. Imported upgraded machines as per international requirement have been set up to facilitate the exporters of woodware crafts to utilize the same for upgraded production. Both the Centers are in function at Saharanpur and Jodhpur.
TECHNOLOGY UPGRADATION CENTRE AT SAHARANPUR :-Further to strengthen the sector, a more comprehensive plan was envisaged to provide an overall facelift to the Wood Carving Industry of Saharanpur. The Council has implemented the project for setting up of Technology Upgradation Centre at Saharanpur. The project encompasses setting up of Design Studio, Technology Up-gradation Centre, and installation of Seasoning Plant, Carpentry School and Training & Marketing. The exporters in wood craft from Saharanpur are actively utilizing the services for technological upgradation of wooden products.
ESTABLISHMENT OF INTERNATIONAL LACE TRADE CENTRE:-Trade linkages to the clusters are currently very week and fragmented access to cluster players is a key impediment to growth. With a view to address the need to integrate the cluster to major and international buyers and build an amenable marketing platform to scale up of business, Council in coordination with the Government of India is establishing International Lace Trade Centre at Narasapur (Andhra Pradesh). This Centre is being established in the area of 5 acres land. It will build the requisite marketing infrastructure and foster trade linkages with national and international markets thereby promoting growth of the cluster and its primary stack holders.
SETTING UP OF MORADABAD RESOURCE CENTRE:-To uplift and upgrade the Moradabad Cluster by providing business resource facilities for artisans/craftsmen/exporters/entrepreneurs as well as to develop the first state of art centralized facility in Moradabad to facilitate information dissemination relating to business development, world market trends, marketing and publicity and to cater to the changing tastes and requirements of the international markets and remain abreast with the latest development. The proposed Centre would introduce the advantages and scope of using newer technologies for business development, expansion and promotion. Council in coordination with Government of India is implementing the project for setting up of Moradabad Resource Centre.
HANDICRAFTS PRODUCTIVITY CENTRE AT JAIPUR:-For the benefit of craftpersons and exporters of the State of Rajasthan, EPCH has setup a “HANDICRAFTS PRODUCTIVITY CENTRE” at Jaipur with the view to address the need for promoting the crafts and remove impediment of the growth of craft sector of Rajasthan. The project is primarily for up-gradation of skill development, quality improvement, training and testing laboratory to provide value added services to the Handicrafts exporters based in Rajasthan. The Centre is setup in the area of 4000 sq.mtr and include facilities such as, one stop information point for commercial intelligence, market information, trade facilitation information, overseas market, trend and forecast for Jaipur based products, online introduction with consultant, books, journals, export documentation, internet excess facilities, library, credit availability information and guidance etc. as well as testing lab for home textiles, fashion jewellery and wooden crafts.
For Further Information Contact-
Export Promotion Council For Handicrafts
“EPCH House”, Pocket-6 & 7,
Sector-C, LSC, Vasant Kunj,
New Delhi-110 070, India.
Tel: 91-11-26135256(8 lines)
Fax: 91-11-26135518/19
E-mail: mails@epch.com